FOR CITIZENSHIP Prepare your N-400 yourself, but have your questions answered or your form reviewed by an immigration attorney.
Hire only the services that you need – save money!

This is why Jeanne Morales, Attorney is your right choice

Expanded N-400 Services

Affordable options for becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen.

Many permanent residents wish to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, but are held back by the costs of the process.  Some may try the process on their own, and run a risk of filing without the benefit of having experienced legal assistance.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.

At Jeanne Morales, Attorney we offer a menu of options to assist you in your quest to become a U.S. citizen.  Find what option works for you, and start the process of becoming a U.S. citizen today!

Access to Attorney-run Facebook group
Why join a Facebook group run by people with no legal training? When you select this item, you can join a closed Facebook group that centers on people going through the naturalization process – and the group is run by an Immigration attorney with years of experience preparing N-400s. The fee shown is a monthly amount.
$17.76 / month
Self-prepared N-400 Review
Are you planning on saving money by preparing and filing your N-400 on your own?  You can have your application reviewed by our law office – you will receive our analysis and suggestions to assist you in self-filing your N-400.
Self-prepared N-400 Review (Taking the citizenship test in your own language)
Are you planning on saving money by preparing and filing your N-400 on your own?  Do you want to take the naturalization test in your own language?  You can have your application reviewed by our law office – you will receive our analysis and suggestions to assist you in self-filing your N-400, which will include specifics on how to be able to skip the English test.
Self-prepared N-400 Review (Criminal History)
Are you planning on saving money by preparing and filing your N-400 on your own?  Do you have a criminal record?  You can have your application reviewed by our law office – you will receive our analysis and suggestions to assist you in self-filing your N-400, which will include an analysis of the criminal record that you provide.
One-on-One with an Attorney – $70 per 15 minutes
Are you planning on saving money by preparing and filing your N-400 on your own?   Do you have specific questions about your case that you want to discuss with an attorney?  Choose this option to have a phone or Zoom appointment with the attorney to get your questions answered.  Evenings and weekend time slots are available.
N-400 Denial
If you were denied naturalization, we will review your denial and give you recommendations of either appealing or re-filing a new N-400.
Request for Evidence
If you filed your N-400 and have received a Request for Evidence, we will review the Request for Evidence and the response that you have prepared
Children’s Application (Passport)
If you have naturalized and have children who are permanent residents under the age of 18, we can provide recommendations regarding their status and review the application for your child’s passport.
Children’s Application (Certificate)
If you have naturalized and have children who are permanent residents under the age of 18, we can provide recommendations regarding their status and review the application for your child’s certificate of citizenship.
Full-Service Representation for Naturalization
We also still offer traditional N-400 services, including analysis, form preparation, and representation before USCIS, including attorney presence at the interview. Contact us for details and price for each service.
Other Immigration Services
Any other legal requirement related to immigration services provided by Jeanne Morales Attorney
Translation Services
If you need to submit a document that is not in English, we can provide the translation with a certification.

Take Note

In any selection, you must provide the information for review, for instance:

1. You must fill out the N-400 if you wish to have it reviewed. If you plan to file electronically, you must first fill out the N-400 form so that we can review the form and give you an analysis.

2. We will only analyze a complete form, with the attachments you intend to submit to USCIS.  If you are not sure what to answer on the form, you can indicate the issue or question that you have on a separate piece of paper (make sure you indicate the question number and the page number on the N-400).

3. If you were ever in Immigration proceedings, you will need the Immigration Judge’s order that resolved your case.